The raspberry pi is a surprisingly powerful and cost-efficient computing device. Yesterday I put together this simple setup script to turn your new raspberry into a mean green downloading machine. Free Download Raspberry Pi: The Complete Beginner’s Guide To Raspberry Pi 3: Learn Raspberry Pi In A Day. Category: E-Books. An introduction to the Rapberry Pi Terminal How to write then run a shell script on the Raspberry Pi Connecting to the Internet Using a Raspberry Pi.
What Is Raspberry Pi
FTP/BitTorrent/remote desktop on the pi?
I finally got my shipping confirmation from Element14.
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I am currently using my iMac as a FTP server and using it to access while I am out from my iPad.
What I want to do with the pi is setup a FTP server so I can use the GoodPlayer app on my Ipad to stream media from an external harddrive. At the same time, I would like to be able to remote desktop into the pi to download anything else I should want via bittorrent, then move it to the external drive to stream to the iPad through FTP.
Is is all possible? Is it too much power?
Thanks in advance for any ideas or suggestions.
Raspberry Pi as Torrent client
I am a beginner to RP, and so far am using mine for Retropie and playing vidya.
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I think I am going to get another one and use it as a torrent client, but I was wondering if someone can explain a little more how it works. I've read some articles, but I'm still slightly confused. It uses less power and provides a greater degree of anonymity? Also, I have a 3TB wd hard drive attached to my network. I'd like it to use that as the place to store downloads. Can that be done?