Shadowrun 5th Edition Run And Gun Pdf Download

Posted byP2 Admin4 years ago

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The Shadowrun 5 Superbook

I've been working on this project to consolidate all of the critical game information from all SR5 books including qualities, skill rules, weapon and armor tables, character creation rules, along with as much quick-reference critical information I can possibly gather and stuff it all into one big PDF. It'll be updated with any official errata and any official incoming SR5 products to make the best quick reference book possible.

This book does NOT have all of the intricately detailed information, any lore, any archetype descriptions and examples, any example gameplay scenarios, or anything else that is truly necessary to play SR5. You cannot play SR5 with this book alone, you will need to actually buy the books yourself. This is done deliberately as to make sure I'm not basically copy-pasting the entire books and distributing them for free.

Here are my sources:

  • Shadowrun 5 Core Rulebook (SR5)

  • Run & Gun (R&G)

  • Bullets and Bandages (B&B)

  • The Assassin's Primer (TAP)

  • Mass storage controller driver vista 32-bit. Gun H(e)aven 3 (GH3)

  • Stolen Souls (SS)

  • Coyotes (COY)

  • Sail Away, Sweet Sister (SASS)

  • Street Grimoire (SG)

  • Nothing Personal (NP)

  • Shadow Spells (ShS)

  • Aetherology (AETH)

    Alternatively, you can simply, if you’re planning to do an in-place upgrade. After you finish downloading the official ISO file, you can use different tools, such as. Download iso file windows 10 developer tool. .I've got a small favor to ask. This is an independent site, and it takes a lot of time and hard work to produce content.

  • Run Faster (RF)

  • Shadows In Focus: Sioux Nation (SiFSN)


The docx version includes a stock Microsoft Word 2013 template for style, headers, and footers.



  • Character Creation tables

  • Steps for Character Creation

  • How to spend your nuyen

  • Character Advancement (Spending Karma)

  • Qualities

  • Skills and Skill rules

  • Dice tests

  • Edge

  • Anatomy of a Combat Turn

  • Actions in Initiative

  • Combat Concepts

  • Damage Concepts

  • Defending in Combat

  • Healing

  • Special Combat Stuff

  • Melee Combat Rules

  • Marital Arts

  • Melee Weapons

  • Ranged Combat Rules

  • Ranged Weapons

  • Ammunition

  • Ammo Actions

  • Vehicle Combat

  • The Matrix 101 w/Equipment

  • Matrix Actions

  • Programs and Agents

    Call of duty finest hour pc download torrent free. You need for downloading.torrent files. 6 Shares As in the first PC game, Call of Duty 2’s campaign will put you in the shoes of a few different soldiers fighting for different Allied factions. For most of these missions you’ll be fighting in the sand-swept deserts of North Africa, alongside the Desert Rats, against Field Marshal Rommel’s troops. The British campaign is unlocked after beating the first Russian mission. You start off as a private in the Russian army, visciously fighting off the invading Germans in Moscow and Stalingrad.

  • Technomancy

  • Rigging

  • Drones

  • Magical Traditions

  • Mentor Spirits

  • Spells and Spell Casting

  • Rituals

  • Spirits and Spirit Summoning

  • All spirit powers

  • (More to come)


(12 MAR 2015) Finished up the Spirit Powers. I also added two qualities I missed from Street Grimoire, some missing Drone info, ammo buying clarifications, and a few other things here and there. But those spirit powers..I can honestly say I spent the day doing THAT, haha! Well, since I'm done with that, I can start working on the last of the Mage stuff, then Adept stuff, then Mystic Adept stuff, then the magic section is complete!! Woo! After that, I'm going to start working on GEAR! A full conglomerated gear listing for you all!! Woohoo!! But I'll post the new edition once the Magic section is completely finished.

(9 JAN 2015) I'm finishing up all of the critter/spirit powers (There are SO FRICKIN MANY!). I've also gotten to adding all spells, ritual rules, summoning rules, summonable spirits, as well as Run Faster's new qualities and character creation rules. I'm going to finish up this magic section and turn in the Superbook 9.5 here soon. Magic is such an incredible concentration of information, it's probably going to be the biggest section here. It's really ridiculous. I've also added all vehicles and drones. (UPDATE: I released it anyway. It's not done, though. Look at the last page, you'll see what I'm doing heh.)

(8 DEC 2014) I've just finished with my finals week, so I've got a whole month for you guys! I'm going to be working on this all month long, getting the magic section flushed out, adding a gear guide, and then a GM Superbook! I've already got some good updates for you guys. Stay tuned!!

(27 OCT 2014) I decided that previous format was dumb. It just made things way harder. So I brought back the single file format.

(16 OCT 2014) I've decided to change the format of the superbook. I've split the chapters into various smaller PDFs since the Superbook has been running really, really sluggish while I edit. I'll compile them together when everything seems good enough to be put together. I've also attached the word file versions of each so you can make your own annotations and PDFs! I'm going to consider consolidating Gear, Dice, Skills, Character Creation, Advancement, and Qualities into one 'core rulebook', Combat Action and Meatspace Combat into one 'Combat Rulebook', then keeping a matrix/technomancy/rigging and magic rulebooks separate.

The reason I did it this way is because, well, maybe you're not the GM. Maybe all you need is the skill rules and combat rules. Maybe the only time you want the gear rules is when you're on your downtime and you don't want to sift past irrelevant chapters like magic or matrix rules because you're a street sam. Let me know what you guys think about that. The point of this, really, is to put together your own superbooks, the way YOU want them, and what rules YOU want.

(18 SEP) Havent forgotten about you guys. I'm in school over full-time, so I've been chipping away at the books, adding little by little whenever I've got a few hours to spare. I've added the whole drone list for riggers, spellcasting rules, all spells indexed and categorized by type (combat/illusion/detection/manipulation), as well as all of the mentor spirits. I'll be indexing rituals next, then all the other magic stuff in order that /u/dethstrobe suggested. Also, I fixed some things based on messages I've received from you guys, the readers! (Special shout out to /u/SpaceTurtles) The big huge magic update is coming up next!

V7 (4 AUG) Added Ammo Whammy! shot types, environmental rules, vehicle combat rules, more actions, Small Unit Tactics combat maneuvers, and martial arts rules and techniques. Also, /u/LuluBear and /u/JustMass join in to help make this awesome! Spell and magic stuff coming very soon, along with the GM Playbook! :]

V6 (30 JUN 2014) Added the Matrix and Technomancer rules.

V5 (19 JUN 2014) Added ranged combat concepts, all ranged weapons, and ammo.

V4 (18 JUN 2014) Addded a title page, table of contents, and some graphics to make it look a little better. Also added combat concepts for combat resolution and damage, defending in combat, and melee combat rules.


V3 (17 JUN 2014) Cleaned it up a bit. Added rules for tests, edge, and all listed Free, Simple, Complex, and Interrupt actions.

V2 (16 JUN 2014) Fixed some stupid things.

V1 (16 JUN 2014) Re-Uploaded to clean it up a little. I'll be adding the new sections after this.


This is going to be an ongoing project that I would really, REALLY love some help with. Layout, errors, updated errata, missing items and information, things that could really be of use, anything like that. Please message me or post here if you're interested in helping out!

I know there are a lot of formatting errors and typos and..lots of other dumb things. Please feel free to point them out to me. :]

I'd very much like to thank /u/LuluBear and /u/omikias for volunteering their time to help out with some sections of the Superbook. Be sure to give them your thanks!

Shadowrun 5th Edition Run And Gun Pdf Download Windows 10

And most importantly, I do it for all of you! The thing you guys have to say is really what keeps me coming back and getting to work on this!

'This book is incredibly helpful in the game. Couldn't have run my last three sessions without it.'

'Been using Realm Works and your condensed rule book saved me a massive headache. I was able to break it into chapters and put it into the program so that my players any myself can find information quickly. With the cluster that is 5th edition your work is very much appreciated.'

'First of all thank you for your extraordinary efforts in putting this marvel together. I have been doing some compiling work as well for SR5 but not on this scale. I will definitely been using or adapting this to my own table.'

'I just wanted to thank you again for maintaining your superbook. It's really come in handy for my group.'

'As said the book is already an amazing resource and looks like its going to just keep getting better.'

' awesome resource so gave you some gold for your hard work.'

'You, sir, are a gods' damned god. I've been looking for something like this to send to my future players as I work on a campaign, and this is damn near perfect.'

'Oh my goad. These are wonderful additions and expansions to the central Idea. I know that many of us here use it as kind of a bible for char gen, so good work!'

'Thank you so much for working on this'

'Super useful!'

'It's beautiful! A great effort from all three of you. Thank you very much for imposing some order on Catalyst's chaos.'

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